Sunday, October 11, 2015

Little upgrade and dust clean up for MkIV

 So I finally ordered an adapter so I could plug in my PCIE USB 3.0 adapter.  While I was in there I decided it was time for some dust clean-up too.
 Here are the Before pictures of the various fans and vents.

 The PSU filter really did a good job.

 Here is the adapter cable.  I ran out of Molex connections when I installed my 6 channel fan controller and the PCIE USB 3.0 card was powered via Molex so it sat unused until now.
 The front intake filter also did an excellent job.
 Actual dust build up on the cooling tower was minimal.

 Here are the after pictures.  I just used a brush attachment on our regular vacuum and some q-tips to loosen the stuck on dust.
 Here you can kind of see the Molex adapter going into the PCIE USB 3.0 card.  Also notice the difference on the CPU cooling tower fan compared to the picture earlier of the same fan.

I am surprised the dust build up wasn't worse.  I only have two exhaust fans on the very top so I think the theory that positive case pressure keeps the dust build-up down is true.

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