Friday, October 2, 2015

Some maintenence on my Laptop

My wife's windows 8 Laptop kicked the bucket a while back (big surprise, right?!)  So she has been using my Toshiba that used to be her old laptop.  I have a post up on when I first got it and replaced the screen.  Yeah, that laptop.  I'm still trying to figure out windows 7 on it because it doesn't have the right drivers for most of the hardware.  Ubuntu works great, though.  Anyway, she's been using it a lot lately for her online classes and homework and stuff and I noticed it making a clicky noise the other day when I used it for a few minutes.  I began listening intently to find the noise's location.  Luckily the sound wasn't coming from the hard drive and I decided that it must be the fan going out.  I got a new fan on order.

 It's a sturdy little 'puter.
 First step is to wake the computer and shut it down.
 Take out the battery, hard drive, and RAM cover.
 Then take out all the screws to remove the keyboard.  And carefully pull out all the wires associated with removing it.
 Now it's all apart.
 Fan seems fine from here but it sure is dirty.
 Plenty of dust caked onto the heatsink too.
 Turns out the new fan I ordered was the wrong one.  Well crud.

 Close up of the caked on dust.
That's better!

After I got it back together the rattle was worse.  So I took it back apart and found a screw rattling around under the motherboard.  So I removed it and reassembled.  The rattle was gone!  Didn't need a new fan after all.  It just needed some cleaning!

The end.

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